iQOO India took to Twitter to announce that it will feature India’s first Snapdragon 768G chipset-powered smartphone. The tweet done by the company reveals the chipset of its upcoming smartphone. This clearly indicates the iQOO Z3 5G which has the same chipset in China.
Just after the launch of iQOO 7 series in India the company is willing to launch another mid-range smartphone in India. The company will now provide different kinds of smartphones in different price ranges for Indian consumers. iQOO 7 has already received several positive reviews from users all over India.
iQOO Z3 5G was launched back in March in China with a 6.57″ FHD+ LCD and 120Hz refresh rate. It also has a 64MP primary sensor among the triple rear camera setup. It features the Qualcomm Snapdragon 768G 5G mobile processor which can be said a slightly powered up version of the Snapdragon 765 and with 5G support. It offers 6 GB and 8GB RAM and 128 GB and 256 GB internal storage. iQOO Z3 5G draws energy from a 4400mAh battery and supports a 55W FlashCharge.
Some extra feature of the device includes Eagle Eye Mode 2.0, multi-channel support, and 4D game vibration along with a Game Box function. It also supports Multi-Turbo 5.0 for smartly managing the storage while gaming.
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