OnePlus has launched the 40-inch version of its Y series smart TV in India. The television is named OnePlus TV 40Y1. The Smart TV will be available via Flipkart in India at ₹21,999 in addition to that there is 10% off on the SBI credit card that brings the price of the TV down to ₹19,800. But the OnePlus TV 40 Y1 launched at ₹23,999 in the OnePlus Store. There is Rs. 1000 off SBI offer on the OnePlus Site which makes the effective price of ₹22,999.
The first sale is on 26th May at 12 noon. Buy the device from Flipkart: Click Here
The OnePlus TV 40Y1 will have a 40 inches FHD+ display with a 93% Colour Gamut along with these features – ANTI-ALIAISING, NOISE REDUCTION, DYNAMIC CONTRAST, COLOUR SPACE MAPPING. We can also notice a bezel-less design on the smart TV. We are getting 20W speakers along with Dolby Audio. There is also Wi-Fi 2.4Ghz support and Bluetooth v5.0.
The smart TV will come with a 64-bit powerful processor paired with 1GB RAM and 8GB internal memory. The OnePlus TV 40Y1 will feature Android TV 9.0. In the software section, we will get OxygenPlay and the most important thing about this TV is that we will be able to access it via OnePlus connect, which will allow users to interact with the TV using a OnePlus smartphone.
To know more about the OnePlus TV 40Y1 click here.
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