Realme has officially launched a new pair of truly wireless buds in India, the latest product is called the Dizo Buds P and has been priced at Rs.1,599 or $20 but as a part of an introductory offer, the brand is selling it for Rs.1,299 or $16. It will officially go on sale from the 5th of July at 12 PM via Flipkart.
Dizo Buds P arrives in three attractive colorways:
The subsidiary of Realme has opted for a design that is very similar to Apple’s AirPods, the buds feature a stem but the charging case, on the other hand, is oval in shape. The buds themselves arrive with 13mm drivers and weigh just 3.5g each, for enhanced protection, they have an IPX4 certification for splash resistance.
The Dizo Buds P arrives with support for 88ms low latency gaming mode and Environmental Noise Cancellation. In terms of connectivity, it supports Bluetooth v5.2 and can be configured via the Realme Link App.
Each bud is juiced by a 40mAh battery and it lasts up to 7 hours on a full charge. The case has a 480mAh battery and the product can last for up to 40 hours. Though affordable, the case arrives with a USB Type-C port for charging along with a cable for the same.
Dizo has made the Buds P available in three attractive color variants such as Dynamo Black, Marble White, and Shady Blue.
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