Ola unveiled its first electric car at the Mission Electic 2022 went today. The company’s CEO Bhavish Aggarwal unveiled the brand’s upcoming electric car during the event. He also shared a lot of information about the car’s features and designs.
Ola Electric Car specifications:
The latest car from Ola is dubbed as the ‘sportiest-ever’ in India. It will be equipped with an all-glass roof. It will arrive with the assisted drive technology and it offers keyless operation.
Some important highlights include a speed of 100 KMPH from 0 KMPH in just 4 seconds, on a single charge, it has a range of over 500KM. In addition to this, the upcoming car has a drag coefficient of 0.21.
“We deserve a car that defines this new India. An India that is fearless and believes in writing its own destiny. Our car is going to be one of the fastest cars in India. 0 to 100 within 4 seconds, it will have a range of over 500 KM per charge, apart from being just sporty, it has Move OS along with assisted driving capabilities as good as any other car in the world. It will be keyless and handleless,” that is how CEO Bhavish Aggarwal describes the brand’s first car ever.
During the event, Aggarwal revealed the expected launch timeline of the Ola Electric Car, he claimed that it is set to make its debut in 2024 which means it is still in the nascent stages of its development. The exact date is yet to be revealed.
Ola has gone on to introduce a Khaki color version of the Ola Electric S1 Pro. The new color models join the existing Marshmellow, Neo Mint, Porcelain White, Coral Glaze, Jet Black, Liquid Silver, Matt Black, Anthracite Grey, and Gerua colors in the S1 Pro. The S1 was another product unveiled today and launched for Rs.99,999.
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