In late December 2020, Xiaomi had announced its MIUI 12.5 at the Mi 11 launch event. After that, the company has been rolling out the 12.5 updates for the eligible devices. During this rollout time, Xiaomi has not confirmed anything whether the older devices will get the updates. But in the case of comparatively newer ones, those devices got that update in time. Now, it has been almost six months since the rollout has begun and a huge number of devices have already received the MIUI 12.5 update. At that time, a company executive of Xiaomi had mentioned an older flagship smartphone that will receive the 12.5 updates in the upcoming days.
So, the recent report says that the Xiaomi Mi 11 Lite 4G and Mi 8 Lite now get the MIUI 12.5 update. Both the smartphones are lite ones which mean those are the toned-down version of the flagship Mi 11 and Mi 8 respectively. In late March this year, the Mi 11 Lite 4G was launched with MIUI 12 based on Android 11 out of the box. So, after a couple of months f waiting, the Mi 11 Lite 4G has been launched for the Indian market this week.
Apart from these, another report is saying that Xiaomi is expected to launch its MIUI 13 update in the month of August. So, after a few months of the release, the recent smartphones from Xiaomi will also get the MIUI 13 update. But, in terms of the Mi 8 Lite, it will not receive the MIUI 13. The reason is simple, it is a fairly old model, and that’s why the MIUI 12.5 is the last UI update for the Mi 8 Lite. So, starting with MIUI 9 based on Android 8.0 Oreo, the Mi 8 Lite has received a lot of updates.
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