boAt refreshes its wired audio lineup with the new boAt Bassheads 950v2. It comes in the most affordable segment, which is under Rs.999. It costs just Rs.899 including the launch offer. The actual price mentioned by the brand is Rs,1,990. There are three colour options – Black, Blue, and Grey. The first sale starts today from 12 noon via Amazon India and boAt’s official website.
Amazon India:
boAt Bassheads 950v2 Features
The new boAt Bassheads 950v2 40mm huge drivers to produce loud and clear audio outputs irrespective of content. In case you prefer bass, it’s there too. To enhance your enjoyment a bit more, the Bassheads 950v2 provides passive noise cancellation.
Apart from media, you can use the built-in in-line microphone during calls and at the time of gaming as well. As this headphone has wired connectivity, you will get the realtime response everytime, in compair to the wireless headphones.
If you love to play with your voice assistant, you are just one click away to wake it up with the boAt Bassheads 950v2. In the end, no need of charging and pair with any device; just plug the 3.5mm jack into your device and enjoy the content or call.