At its recent hardware event, Google introduced Google TV alongside the handsets, smart speakers, and the Chromecast. It is the replacement of the existing Android TV home screen and added personalized content recommendations. This change is also coming in Android smartphone users’ hands as the Google Play Movies & TV application is replaced by the new Google TV app, though it’s only available in the US for now.
Along with the new name, Google added some minor noticeable changes too. After updating the existing old version, users will get a prompt, at first, to launch Google TV.
The new ‘For You’ section is where the app will display all the user-specific recommendations in addition to the movies and TV shows. The home screen, earlier, contains all the suggestions and the movies and shows to buy. In the new version, all these are dumped in a ‘Shop’ section.
The filter option based on resolution, date added, and more are available there. Besides, the recently watched content and bought movies & shows will be visible at the top.
The Wishlist option, on the other hand, could be one of the most interesting things to the consumers. It basically collects information from you Google searches and movements in the Play Store and forms a list of the movies and shows the user may wish to watch in the coming days.
If you are from the US, you are good to go with the new Google TV app, otherwise need to wait a bit more. Till then, enjoy the earlier version for the last time.
Source (images+info)
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