Apple announced the iPhone 14 series on 7th September. Just after the launch event, the company had modified its web pages introducing the new smartphones along with their prices. The Indian pricing has been discussed in a previous article and you can check that out here.
Apple iPhone 14 series includes four different smartphones – iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Plus, iPhone 14 Pro, and iPhone 14 Pro Max. Among these four different smartphones, there is a Pro lineup which includes – iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max, and a non-Pro lineup which includes – iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus. There is a huge difference in terms of specifications and design among the smartphones of both variants.
Read: Apple iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus | Everything you need to know in brief
Read: Apple iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max | Everything you need to know in brief
When does the Pre-order of the iPhone 14 series start?
Apple has previously announced in the live event that the pre-order of all the iPhone 14 series smartphones will start on 9th September, which is today, at 5:30 PM IST.
Where can you place the Pre-order of your iPhone 14 series?
You can pre-order the iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Plus, iPhone 14 Pro, and iPhone 14 Pro Max in India starting at 5:30 PM IST on its official website.
What is the pricing of the iPhone 14 series in India?
iPhone 14 will be available starting from 16th September in India.
iPhone 14 Plus will be available starting from 7th October in India.
iPhone 14 Pro will be available starting from 16th September. in India.
iPhone 14 Pro Max will be available starting from 16th September. in India.