Qualcomm recently released their latest flagship chipset, the Snapdragon 8 Plus Gen1 just a month earlier, the brand appears to not be taking a break as it has already developed the next iteration of this Series. The chipmaker is already giving the finishing touches to this new flagship and it has also given us a hint as to when it could be launched.
Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen2 will make its way to smartphones only in 2023:
The Snapdragon Summit is the annual conference of the chipmaker where it enlightens the public about its latest projects and revolutionary technologies that it has been working on. Usually, we get to see them release their flagship chips here as well, though the SD 8 Gen2 chip will be found in premier devices only in 2023, the chip will officially make its public debut at the Summit this year. It is scheduled to be held between November 14-17.
We can expect to see the chip debut on the first day of the conference as has been seen historically. The chip pioneer’s partners such as Xiaomi, ASUS, and other brands will all be in attendance at the conference where they could preview their next-generation flagship smartphones.
In addition to this, we could also get a sneak peek at the Snapdragon 8cx 3 successor that is nameless s of now, however, earlier reports had termed this chip as a competitor to Apple’s M1. Qualcomm had stated before that it will be taking advantage of its recent acquisition of Nuvia to boost its future chipset performance to take on Apple. In terms of what we know about the upcoming flagship chip, we are likely to see the TSMC 4nm architecture be used to mass-produce it.
TSMC has stated that it will be starting the production of the Apple M2 Pro and the M2 Max later this year while using the cutting-edge 3nm technology, however, it is highly doubtful that the chipmaker is able to take full advantage of this node until next year. As is the case with the Snapdragon 8 Plus Gen1 chipset, its successor will arrive with better power efficiency and performance.
This will also be the first chip from the company that will feature a brand new CPU cluster in years, ditching its conventional “1+3+4” core configuration and switching to a “1+2+2+3” configuration. If this change will offer better improvements is still something we are not certain about. We will get more information from the brand in due time.
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