Telegram is inching closer to introducing its own premium-tier plan as per tipster Alessandro Paluzzi. This hint has resulted from the tipster noticing a data string in the code that has a drastic impact which changes the words of the welcome screen while downloading and installing the official app.
“Telegram is free forever”, not for long:
If you try to download Telegram now, you will come across the messaging platform’s slogan which promotes that it is free now and will be forever. “Telegram is free forever. No ads. No subscription fees.” Not for long, be prepared to see that change to something that would possibly look like this, “Telegram provides free unlimited cloud storage for chats and media.”
This is an indication that the messaging platform is currently working on a subscription-based plan and it is likely to arrive soon. The developer also gave us some information with respect to some of the exclusive features that we can expect to see in Telegram’s premium paid subscription planning.
Telegram will offer a star badge to the users who avail of its paid plan, this badge will appear right next to your name in the chat lists, and in addition to this, the app will also let you access exclusive stickers and other reactions that those who have not subscribed will not be able to use.
The messaging platform has not yet revealed the official subscription cost but considering that it will be official soon, the pricing will also surface very soon.
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