Tata has recently announced that its Nexon EV has reached a new milestone, selling over 13,500 units in India since the vehicle launched in January 2020. A lot of odds have turned into its favor including the 8-year warranty on battery and motor, near-perfect sizing, and a great design. The low costs involved in running the car in comparison to petrol cars is a cherry on the top.
Today, The Tata Nexon EV dominates the sales in the electric passenger car segment with a 70% market share. The car has left new players in the market behind. Apart from the Nexon EV, you get other offerings in the sub-25 lakh INR price point such as the MG ZS and Hyundai Kona but the higher prices of the cars have not helped them achieve the same level of popularity as the Nexon.
A more affordable offering comes from Tata itself, the Tigor EV which was launched in August 2021 and begins at a price point of 11.99 lakh INR. However, it has not surpassed Nexon in terms of sales yet.
The Tata Nexon EV is more expensive, starting at 14.29 lakh INR and going all the way up to 16.90 lakh INR for the top-end variant. Its motor is capable of accelerating the car to 100kmph from 0 in just 9.14 seconds.
The battery comes with a range of 312km on a single charge, although a new updated model is on the way with 400km range capabilities. An hour of charge will fill the battery up to 80%.
The Tata Nexon EV 2022 has been spotted a couple of times testing city driving conditions and it is expected to launch very soon. It is yet to be seen if it will be as successful as the 2020 Nexon.
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