Google has been hyping the development of its own high-end AI-supported chipset, the Tensor. The upcoming Pixel 6 series that is scheduled to release later this year will be powered by this chipset. Recently, strong indications have emerged that there is a fair amount of chance that the Tensor processor is indeed an Exynos chip, quite possibly similar to the chipset that powered the Galaxy S21 series that was unveiled this year.
Samsung’s Exynos 9855 chipset is codenamed Whitechapel, which is the exact same codename the Google Tensor carries. The Exynos 9855 is closer to the Exynos 9840 that was marketed as the Exynos 2100.
The performance of the new Tensor chipset could lie in the median of the Exynos 2100 and the yet-to-be-released Exynos 2200. The flagship Exynos 2200 will power Samsung’s premium Galaxy S22 series in 2022.
The upcoming Tensor chipset is Google’s first high-end processor that the company has developed in collaboration with Samsung. Previous Pixel models were powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon processors. Google has kept finer details regarding the Tensor chipset under wraps as of now.
Some allusions lead us to believe that the Tensor has AI capabilities and if this does turn out to be true, it would separate the Tensor from every other chip out there in the market.
Neither Google nor Samsung has officially confirmed the nature of the Tensor SoC. Samsung could quite possibly be producing the Tensor with its 5nm LPE fabrication process. If the Tensor does indeed live up to the hype, it could deliver flagship-level performance on the new Pixel 6 Series smartphones when they officially launch later this year.
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