Xiaomi is going to launch the Mi 11 series in India on April 23. One of the most known names that will be launched is the Mi 11 Ultra or the Superphone as mentioned by the company. The tech giant has also mentioned that there will be more than one Snapdragon 888 SoC-powered smartphones that make it clear that other than Mi 11 Ultra, we can also witness the launch of Mi 11 and Mi 11i in the event, which are also powered by Snapdragon 888 processor.
Now the company is teasing that they will launch the launch a new ‘X’ Flagship series in India on the same date. The tweet mentions ‘series’ which indicates that there will be more than one ‘X’ smartphones, and we can expect Mi 11X and Mi 11X Pro from the launch event.
The company has not mentioned the exact names of the smartphones of the ‘X-series’ but the tweet mentions ‘Xtreme performance’, ‘Xceptional display, camera & sound’, ‘Xquisite design’, and ‘Xclusive / customized for India’. The company claims that this ‘X flagship series’ is customized only for India, so this will be a brand new smartphone series exclusive for Indian customers.
Previous rumors claimed that Mi 11X will be launched in India along with Mi 11, Mi 11 Ultra, and Mi 11i. As mentioned by Manu earlier the series will have more than one Snapdragon 888 powered smartphones and thus Mi 11, Mi 11i and Mi 11 Ultra are the main focus here. Other than that we have seen a Xiaomi smartphone getting BIS certification that will be equipped with Snapdragon 870 SoC, this is said to be Mi 11x, the name has not been officially revealed but it is said to be made especially for India. The Mi 11i is the rebranded Redmi K40 Pro+.
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