Xiaomi listed its Mi TV Horizon edition on the Amazon India in the last month. From then on, the company was teasing its features like PatchWall UI, ‘Quintessential’ display, and access to more than 5,000 apps, nothing more than that. The launch date in India is scheduled for 7th September. But before that maximum of the specs are leaked by a tipster Ishan Agarwal. So, here are the leaked key specifications.
As per the details, the new Horizon edition Mi TV is coming with a 43-inch LED display having Full HD resolution. On top of it, the bezel-less design will enhance the viewing experience. The company already teased regarding the PatchWall UI that is based on Android TV 9, the leak is also saying the same. A cortex A53 processor is powering the TV with the collaboration with 1GB of RAM. For app data and installation 8GB of internal storage is given.
In the case of connectivity through ports, this TV has 3 HDMI ports, 2 USB-A ports, an Ethernet port, and a 3.5mm audio jack. Users will get a built-in Chromecast facility, Google Assistant support, and Google Data Saver too.
For audio, its speakers, with DTS-HD technology, has the power to produce 20W audio output.
Need to mention the Quick Awake feature. It was teased by the company. Probably this will help the TV to boot faster. One of the major things yet to come out is the price tag. Well, we have to wait for that till 7th September. You can set a reminder on Amazon India for it, the link is given below.
Link: https://amzn.to/35D3K3Z
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