Chinese tech-giant Xiaomi confirms the launch of Mi 11 Ultra and the Mi 11X series in India on 23rd April. In the event, the company will also be exposing a 75-inch QLED TV. It has also confirmed that the storage variants of the latest Xiaomi flagship smartphones for India and some details have already been tipped.
Well-known tech influencer Mukul Sharma said that the 2021 Xiaomi premium smartphones for India will be available with various storage configurations. In India Xiaomi Mi 11x has the storage of 8GB + 128GB, Xiaomi Mi 11x Pro has the storage of 8 GB + 256GB, and the last one Xiaomi Mi 11 Ultra has the storage of 12GB + 256GB.
Some previous reports reveal that the Mi 11X and Mi 11X Pro will be reformed Redmi K40 and Redmi K40 Pro+ respectively. In some markets, these mobiles are also sold as POCO F3 and Mi 11i.
On the other side, it comes to know that the Mi 11 Ultra would be the exact same device that is available in the other markets. It is expected that this smartphone is the most costly Xiaomi smartphone in India to date. The price of this smartphone might be over Rs. 70,000($942) in the country.
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