Telegram is approaching to get better itself again and again. Back in April, the telegram authority announced about their 400 million+ active monthly users. To satisfy them and also attract others, the messaging app brings its 6.2.0 version. It includes video editing support, animated sticker adding facility, separate panel for GIF discovery, and some other improvements.
Video Editing
The new version brings a new handy video editing tool to its built-in media editor. To adjust the brightness, contrast, or enhancement, individual slide bars are dedicated.
Users now can add their favorite animated GIFs or stickers to the videoes. Not only in videos, but they can do the same with images too. Even making drawings is also allowed. To draw a better one, you can zoom in to the image or video.
GIF Panel
The developers added a trending section to the GIF panel. Alongside a separate tab too for easy discovery. If you observe minutely, you will catch an improvement in GIF loading.
Chat Organization
Those who chat with lots of people or joined so many telegram groups of different types, good news for them. Now you can organize all your chats by adding them is different folders.
Other than these major changes, there are a lot more small improvements like new animations for sending, editing or deleting messages, automatic looping for the videos shorter than 30 seconds, catch management page visualization, and so on.
Do Check Out 👇🏼