Qualcomm has recently unveiled the latest iteration of its flagship chip, the Snapdragon 8+ Gen1 chip. Along with this, the Snapdragon 7 Gen1 chip was also launched but it is meant for mid-range smartphones. Recently we noted that ASUS will be unveiling the latest gaming phone, the ROG Phone 6 which will be powered by the flagship chip and Realme has also confirmed that it will be launching the Realme GT 2 Master Explorer Edition. Here is a list of all the other devices that will feature this new chip.
Upcoming Snapdragon 8+ Gen1 phones:
1. Samsung Z Fold4 Galaxy Z Flip4
Samsung‘s latest foldable flagship will be powered by the Snapdragon 8+ Gen1 chip. The South Korean brand is expecting the Z Fold4 to record more sales than ever this year. It is likely to get a bigger camera and as per the latest 360-degree renders. The Galaxy Z Fold4 will have a similar charging speed as its predecessors and in terms of display, it flaunts a 6.2″ exterior display and a 7.6″ interior display.
It retains the 120Hz refresh rate and will have an upgraded under-display selfie shooter. It will also be the lightest Galaxy Fold device to date. W expect the smartphone to launch in August or early September.
The Galaxy Z Flip4 is likely to arrive with better battery life, improved performance which is a given considering the chip it packs, and it will also have a bigger cover display. Apart from this, there is not much that we know about this phone.
2. Xiaomi 12 Ultra:
The Xiaomi 12 Ultra will be an amazing flagship phone, apart from featuring the Snapdragon 8+ Gen1 chip, the phone will feature a camera from Leica, which means it will have amazing clarity.
Unfortunately, there is nothing else known about it, for now, the device is expected to debut in July.
3. Realme GT 2 Master Explorer Edition:
The Realme GT 2 Master Explorer Edition will be launched in China first but it is not certain if it will make its way to global markets. The device will be the successor to the Realme GT Master Edition that debuted in China last year with the Snapdragon 870 chip.
We know that it will be powered by Qualcomm’s latest offering and nothing else.
4. OnePlus 10 Ultra:
OnePlus will launch its latest flagship device, the 10 Ultra which packs the SD 8+ Gen1 chip and it is likely to be an upgraded version of the OnePlus 10 Pro that came out recently.
The new device will arrive with a new periscope camera for the first time in company history.
5. iQOO 10 Pro:
The iQOO 10 Pro will be similar to the iQOO 9 Pro that had an LTPO AMOLED display with 1 billion colors, a refresh rate of 120Hz, and HDR10+ display, and a peak brightness of 1000 nits. It had a triple camera setup on the rear with a 50MP+16MP+50MP and a 16MP shooter on the front.
6. OSOM Privacy
OSOM’s first privacy smartphone will be powered by the Snapdragon 8+ Gen1 chip. It is the phone for those users to whom their privacy matters the most.
7. Motorola Frontier:
Motorola is set to launch the Frontier phone with the SD 8+ Gen1 chip and it is likely to feature a 200MP rear camera sensor. It is likely to use the Samsung ISOCELL HP1 lens and will support 8K video recording at 30fps.
It will have a 6.67″ pOLED display with a 144Hz refresh rate and a 60MP selfie camera. It has a 4,500mAh battery with support for 125W wired charging and wireless charging between 30W and 50W speeds. It will arrive in an 8GB+128GB/256GB version.
We will keep you updated as and when more information pops up about any of these devices.
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