The Mi 12 smartphone can be launched by the end of this year, the information of which has been revealed in a new leak. Qualcomm is working on the next-generation flagship processor, which is believed to be named Snapdragon 895 processor. It is also being said about this processor that it can be introduced by the beginning of December. It is being said that Qualcomm can launch the new processor half a month before the launch schedule. At the same time, Xiaomi and Qualcomm have partnered together many times, so it can be believed that the Xiaomi Mi 12 can also be launched earlier this year.
Qualcomm usually unveils its top-of-the-line eighth-generation SoCs in early December, but this time it could be a little earlier. According to an insider known as IceUniverse, Qualcomm will unveil the Snapdragon 895 at least half a month ahead of schedule. After which Xiaomi can announce its Mi 12, similar to the last year when Mi 11 was launched.
The Mi 11 smartphone was introduced in the month of December, although it was officially launched in February this year. At present, very little information has been revealed related to the Xiaomi Mi 12 smartphone, but it is being speculated that this phone may come with an upgrade in the processor and camera department.
Of course, there is no certainty of this happening, and Xiaomi could well stick to its own timelines and launch the successor sometime in 2022. However, it will risk other brands releasing phones with the latest flagship SoC, in that case. The tipster notes that the Snapdragon 895 SoC is half a month ahead of schedule in production and an early launch is just speculation. Maybe all this information turns out to be just a rumor.
Ice Universe also claims that the Snapdragon 895 will be seen in flagships launching in the first half of the second year. Qualcomm will then subsequently launch the Snapdragon 895+ SoC in June, according to the tipster, and this slight upgrade will power devices in the second half of 2022. For this year’s flagship phones launching in the second half, the Snapdragon 888+ was announced just last week.
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