Madhav Seth has recently teased the launch of a new Realme non-smartphone gadget which is the most awaited Realme Laptop. The sneak peek image which he has shared in his tweet shows similar silver colour to Apple MacBook and the hinge at the middle part also resembles that of a MacBook.
In his tweet Madhav has mentioned an encrypted message “01001000B 01100101B 01101100B 01101100B 01101111B 00100000B 01010111B 01101111B 01110010B 01101100B 01100100B 00100001B 00000000B” which by converting gives the phrase “Hello World!”
This hints that the company is really planning to launch Realme Laptop(s) in India soon. The company might reveal this laptop during the launch event of the Realme GT 5G in India.
Madhav has not revealed any more information about the upcoming Realme Laptop in his recent tweet other than the image of the device and the hint about the product category.
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