The launch of the OnePlus 10T is right around the corner and the news of yet another device from the company has surfaced. Going by the latest report, a brand new flagship from the Oppo-owned brand featuring Qualcomm’s latest Snapdragon 8 Plus Gen1 has been spotted on the Geekbench benchmarking site. The listed device will be called the OnePlus 10RT and has also cleared the BIS certification tests.
OnePlus 10RT could feature 8GB/12GB RAM iterations:
MySmartPrice first spotted the listing, it shows a OnePlus device with the model number CPH2413 and it is reportedly the OnePlus RT. The smartphone will run on Android 12 OS with 8GB/12GB RAM options.
The listing reveals the smartphone has four cores that clock in at 2.02 GHz, three cores that clock in at 2.75 cores, and a single prime core that clocks in at 3.19 GHz. This indicates that it features the Snapdragon 8 Plus Gen1 chip paired with the Adreno 730 GPU.
Coming to the scores of the tests, on the single-core test scored 828 points and 3,414 points on the multi-core test of Geekbench. The upcoming device is not yet confirmed to be the OnePlus RT and it is likely to be the OnePlus 10T that is supposed to launch on the 3rd of August.
The 10RT could arrive with an AMOLED panel with support for a 120Hz refresh rate. It has a triple camera setup on the rear with a 50MP primary sensor, an 8MP secondary shooter, and a 2MP camera. It will also arrive with support for up to 150W charging as OnePlus never fails to disappoint in that department.
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