Flipkart just launched the Nokia Media Streamer on its platform that is based on Android. If you are wondering why Flipkart is launching Nokia’s product, well, it’s a part of the e-commerce platform’s branding partnership with Nokia and it includes Nokia TVs too. This launch at the time of Mi TV Stick’s market play makes it one of the competitors, no doubt. Here are the features of the new Media Streamer.
The Nokia Media Streamer is based on Google’s Android TV 9 and able to stream content with the resolution of up to Full HD. There is also built-in Chromecast support along with Dolby Audio. The dedicated remote comes with it, has some hotkeys like Netflix and Zee5. It enables Google Assistant Support too.
The performance part is maintained by an unidentified quad-core processor paired with Mali 450 GPU and 1GB of RAM. To install apps and store their data, 8GB of internal storage is allocated. You can connect it with your TV through HDMI port and to connect the device with internet Wi-Fi support is added.
Apart from the pre-installed, you can easily install various other applications of your choice through Google Play Store.
The Nokia Media Streamer is coming with the price tag Rs. 3,499 and will go on sale from 28th August via Flipkart only.
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