The budget wearable maker, Noise, showcases its new entry-level truly wireless earphone Buds VS102 on the wall of Flipkart. There are white and black, these two colour options and each one is priced Rs.1,299 only. The listing says the new TWS is scheduled to drop on 16th August at 12:00 in India. The platform is the same, Flipkart, and also via Noise’s official website.
Coming to the specs sheet, you will find all the expected features. But Noise focuses on the design part to form a signature for the Buds VS102. Noise named it the Flybird design. Basically, a curve is there separating the touch-enabled part and the rest of the twig.
Apart from this, there are 11mm audio drivers installed to deliver a good quality audio output. You can operate the buds just with your finger touch, as I mentioned earlier. You can get up to 3.5 hours of battery backup in a single charge and an additional 3 to 4 topups with the charging case. In total, the Noise Buds VS102 can deliver up to 14 hours of power backup.
Last but not the least, the buds are IPX5 certified and support voice assistants.
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