Recently, Vu launched its new TV series, the Vu Cinema Smart TVs which is another budget-oriented Smart TV series on Flipkart. There are two variants of the Smart TV, 32-inch HD Smart TV and 43-inch FHD Smart TV and both of them got sold out within 24 hours of its availability. Vu has steadily been progressing in the Indian TV market with its wide range of quality Smart TVs, thanks to the rise in demand for Smart TVs these days.
Obviously, people are opting for Android TV these days which has led many of the smartphone brands making Smart TVs at a competitive price point. But, obviously, customer service and quality are what customers demand more and being a Smart TV brand Vu is just on the right track. When anti-Chinese sentiments are growing people, are opting more for Chinese alternatives like Samsung and Vu Smart TVs.
The key offerings that this new Vu Cinema Smart TVs offer is 40W front-facing soundbars, Android TV OS, 64-bit quad-core processor and a compact Smart remote with Voice Assistant support. Also, the prolonged lockdown period has raised the demands among customers who need good TVs, presumably Smart TVs right from their homes which is also another reason which has fired the online sales of these Smart TVs as well.
Flipkart and Vu Televisions Launched the Vu Cinema Smart TVs starting at just Rs. 12,999 with a wider reach by supplying to over 10,000 pin codes. However, the prices of these Smart TVs have increased, the 32-inch model which was priced at Rs. 12,999 now costs Rs. 13,499 and while the 43-inch model that was priced at Rs. 21,999 is now available for Rs. 22,499.
The Chairman and CEO of Vu Televisions, Devita Saraf said, “The Vu Cinema TV is the most top-of-the-line smart TV in the market and users have given an all-time high rating of 4.7/5 to this product range. In spite of our prices being 8%-10% more expensive than other premium TV brands, we were surprised to see overwhelming sales for this product range. This can be attributed to customers seeing our products as value for money due to better quality and service along with easy to use 4K type features. We pioneered Smart TVs in May 2016 and were the first to launch Android TVs in March 2018. We have sold over 15 lakh Smart TVs until now and our Vu Cinema TV is the most feature-packed and highest quality smart TV in the country.”
Vu has a wide range of Smart TVs from entry-level to all the way up to premium ones but their main focus is on budget Smart TVs and 4K Smart TVs. According to Hindustan Times, Indian consumers are willing to pay a premium to brands, which can give direct consumer service and durability as opposed to low-cost TVs that have been flooding the market in the past few years.
It’s only been a few years for the brand entered the Indian market and has become the fastest-selling TV brand on Amazon and Flipkart in June 2020. Also, it’s great to such non-Chinese TV brand flourishing in the Indian soil and more such Indian brands need to come up with competitive pricing to challenge other Chinese brands to reduce the dependency in the years to come.
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