Amazon Prime Video unveils the trailer of the most-awaited film featured by Madhuri Dixit titled ‘Maja Ma’ was dropped on Thursday, just a day after the producers provided a short glimpse at the film with the teaser. The trailer discloses Madhuri to play the role of a middle-class mother who has two kids, who dace a demon from her past while trying for doing the right by her kids. By billing as a family entertainer. The movie was helmed by Anand Tiwari.
The new trailer starts with Ritwik Bhowmik’s character as it talks about his family, and how everybody becomes a bit dysfunctional except the perfect mother. After that, we will meet Madhuri’s Pallavi Patel who represents a Gujrati middle-class mother as she teaches sake. In the trailer, we have seen the character of Ritwik has fallen for an NRI girl, and fortunately, her rich parent’s afreet at the match but after several tantrums.
At the engagement ceremony, an unexpected rumor about Pallavi has broken it apart that forcing her to confront her past and look within herself to realize as she is much more than just tags as provided by her mother, wife, and sister. The movie also stares Gajraj Rai as the husband of Madhuri along with a supporting cast of Barkha Singh, Srishti Shrivastava, Rajit Kapur, Simone Singh, Sheeba Chaddha, Malhar Thakar, and Ninad Kamat.
While talking about the film Madhuri said, “I am thrilled to be a part of Prime Video’s first Indian Amazon Original Movie. With Maja Ma, what I am most excited about is my character. It is a role with complex nuances that I have never played before. Pallavi Patel carries enormous responsibility around – as a mother, as a wife, and as a contributing member of society with such ease and grace, that it becomes easy to overlook her strength, conviction, and resilience.” The film was produced by Leo Media Collective and Amritpal Singh Bindra, directed by Anand Tiwari, and written by Sumit Batheja.
Maja Ma: Release Date
Maja ma has set to hit on Prime Videon on 6th October 2022.
Here is the trailer:
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