It hardly happens in daily life, you google a query and it can’t able to provide any results. But in worst cases, it provides results matches to your search with very less percentage. In the U.S Google started showing a message “It looks like there aren’t any great matches for your search” for this kind of case.
Not to worry if you are thinking you will not get any results rather than the quote in this type of case. The results with fewer percentage matches will follow the quote, as earlier. You can go through the links to find out if those are helpful to you or not. Or you can check later if someone posted relevant to your query.
Rather than the quote, Google also provide alternative searches and tips. These to help you out to search more efficiently.
This kind of approach is not a new one. Google is working from the beginning to save your search time. You may notice while googling something with a wrong spelling Google tries to figure out the correct one, notify you, and show the results against the correct one.
Do Check 👇🏼