Google launched its Pixel Buds in 2020, it was the first truly wireless earbuds. Now, as per a report, the Pro model of the Pixel Buds is in the works and it could be launching sooner than we thought.
Google Pixel Buds Pro specifications:
This will be the third iteration of the TWS earbuds from Google and they will be the next buds to release after the Pixel Buds A Series. Although it seems that Google is looking to compete with market competitors such as Apple and Sony along with these new buds.
The news arrives courtesy of Jon Prosser who claims that Google is gearing up to launch the new Pixel Buds Pro. As per the tipster, the new wireless earphones will be launching very soon and they will be available in multiple color variants.
This includes four colors namely Real Red, Carbon, Limoncello, and Fog. Apart from this, we do not have any other information with respect to this product. Mishaal Rahman further added to Prosser’s tweet with some more details. These buds could arrive with spatial audio and head tracking support as well.
These two features were hinted at in some of the codes for Android 13 OS. With Android supporting Bluetooth Low Energy audio support, the Pixel Buds Pro could also arrive with support for this feature. Consider that these are all just speculations, Google is yet to confirm any of these, so take it with a grain of salt.
Considering that the most expensive Pixel Buds are priced at $179 or 13,695 INR while the Pixel Buds A-Series model has been priced at $99 or 7,574 INR. If Google wants to compete against the likes of Apple and Samsung, it would have to lower the price. The Pixel Buds Pro could be priced at $200 or 15,302 INR. That is equal to Samsung’s Galaxy Buds Pro which costs $199 and the Apple AirPods Pro which costs $249 or 19,050 INR.
Irrespective of this, are you excited about the upcoming Google Pixel Buds Pro?
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