Google has launched the Pixel A Buds Series in India with a price tag of 9,999 INR. With the Pixel A Buds, Google intends to pack maximum functionality into a small product that features rich sound, clear calls, and Google assistant.
The Google Pixel Buds A feature custom-designed 12mm dynamic speaker drivers that deliver full, clear, and natural sound with an option to increase the power in low tunes with Bass Boost.
To truly experience the full range of the Google Pixel Buds A’s capabilities, especially in low frequencies, a good seal is essential. Google scanned through thousands of data with respect to ear sizes to design the Pixel Buds A in a manner in which they fit securely with a gentle seal so that you get a comfortable fit without much ear pressure.
Each bud connects to the main device playing audio which ensures a strong individual transmission power for clear and uninterrupted sound.
The new Pixel Buds A comes with adaptive sound, which increases or decreases the volume on its own based upon your surroundings. This is perfect when you’re traveling from home to your workplace that may be located on a really busy street.
The Pixel Buds A provide optimal call quality as well, to ensure your calls are as clear as possible, they use beamforming mics that focus on your voice and reduce the external noise, making your voice crystal clear. Once your call is over, you can quickly get back to your music by just mentioning ‘Ok Google, play my music.’
The Pixel Buds A Series provide up to 5 hours of listening time on a single charge or up to 24 hours with the charging case. 15 minutes of charge provides up to 3 hours of listening time.
The earbuds are sweat and water-resistant so you can use them at the gym as well. With Google Assistant built into the Pixel Buds A Series, you get quick hands-free help to check on the weather, get an immediate response, alter the volume, or even have notifications read to you with a simple ‘Ok Google.’
The Buds A also supports real-time translation in more than 40 languages right in your ear while using a Pixel device or any device that has Android 6.0 and above. The Pixel Buds A works with any phone running Bluetooth as standard wireless earbuds and delivering a quality listening experience.
The Google Pixel Buds A Series works go on sale from the 25th of August 2021 at Flipkart, Reliance Digital, and Tata Cliq. They will be available in a white and olive green colorway, only the color of the buds varies, the case is white in both variants.
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