Samsung launched its Exynos 990 with the hopes that the new processors will finally dethrone apples A13 Bionic. The in-house processor from Samsung however failed miserably in front of the Cupertino giant’s A13 Bionic. Not to mention it was overtaken by Qualcomm and MediaTek as well. But it seems that the South Korean tech giant has learned from its mistakes.
The Exynos 2100 will soon ben launched by Samsung and sources claim that it will have the same GPU as the earlier teased Snapdragon 875.
Sources from a tipster claim that the Exynos 2100 and Snapdragon 875 will be on equal footing in terms of performance. Samsungs Exynos 2100 will feature an ARM Mali-G78 GPU along with 14 graphical cores. While the Snapdragon 875 will come with Adreno 660 and will be operating at 660MHz.
We have earlier heard the talks that Qualcomm is reportedly working with Asus to manufacture its first gaming smartphone. Apparently, the company is betting on its Snapdragon 875 to deliver the boat offshore.
But the earlier benchmark performance of Snapdragon 875 significantly lacked behind that of apples A13 Bionic, as we mentioned in our previous article. However, the Snapdragon 875 and Exynos 2100 will be going up against Apple A14 Bionic releasing with iPhone 12.
It looks as though both Qualcomm and Samsung are working towards optimizing the performance of their soon to be launched wafers. Considering its previous defeat with Exynos 990, if Exynos 2100 manages to compete on equal footing with snapdragon 875, it would mean Samsungs victory.
With Qualcomm launching it’s Snapdragon 875 with its first commercial smartphone and Samsung to debut its Exynos 2100 with its new Galaxy S21. It looks like both wafers are ready to take on Apple’s A14 Bionic in the upcoming year.
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