Huawei has launched two new smartwatches in its home country, China: Huawei Watch 3 and Watch 3 Pro. These two are the very first smartwatches from Huawei which run on the HarmonyOS operating system. Both the watches have some exciting features and those are lightweight as well, and the HarmonyOS takes them to another level.
Huawei Watch 3
In terms of looks and design, the Watch 3 from Huawei doesn’t have much difference compared to the company’s previous smartwatches. Regarding the display, it has a 1.43-inch circular OLED panel with a refresh rate of 60Hz and a peak brightness of 1000 nits.
The display panel has no rotating bezel, which means an edge-to-edge display (controllable via a rotating crown). However, the Huawei Watch 3 is available in three different wrist strap options, or you can say, three different models:
1. Active model: Rubber strap 2. Classic model: Leather strap 3. Elite model: Metal Bracelet
In terms of other specifications, like all modern smartwatches, it also has various sensors for healthy measures, such as heart rate tracking, Sp02 sensor, sleep tracking, and a temperature sensor (new for this version). Apart from these, this watch has different sports modes and workout modes as well: ranging from running to climbing, cycling, and swimming.
The Watch 3 can control your voice or video calls or WhatsApp notifications, and with its own 4G LTE connection, this watch can be operated independently from a phone. Coming to the battery backup, the Watch 3 offers a decent battery life of three days (4G turned on) and fourteen days long if 4G turned off, or you can also use its “ultra long-lasting mode” in emergency situations to keep your watch on. The Huawei Watch 3 supports Qi wireless charging.
Huawei Watch 3 Pro
This is the Pro version of the Huawei Watch 3 with some upgraded specs, though most of them are similar. The battery backup it delivers is also a bit better, 5 days long when 4G turned on and 21 days of battery life when 4G turned off. There are some improvements as well in the Pro version, like GPS tracking. The premium titanium construction of this watch gives it more rigidity.
Chinese pricing:
- Huawei Watch 3: ¥ 2599
- Huawei Watch 3 Pro: ¥ 3299
The Huawei Watch 3 will be available outside China on June 18th (in the UK) at a price tag of £349.99 whereas the Pro version will be priced at £499.99.
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