BattRE has unveiled a new scooter in India, the company has launched the Storie EV that offers an impressive range of 132KM on a single charge and has been priced at Rs. 89,600 or $1,151 ex-showroom price with the exclusion of state subsidies. Let us take a look at all the features of this scooter.
BattRE Storie electric scooter specifications:
The newest e-scooter will arrive with impressive features as it pushes the company’s vision of a greener environment, it flaunts a modern design with metal panels, a connected drive, and is perfect for your daily urban commute. The scooter has the TVS Lucas electric motor and controller and it arrives with a 3.1kWh battery pack with a range of 132KM.
The Storie EV features a smart instrument cluster that gives you important information on the go and its speedometer arrives with Bluetooth connectivity and call alerts that will be received on the dashboard as and when they arise.
The EV has the Connective Drive feature that enables users to find the nearest charging station but the twist is that this feature is based on a pay and charge basis. The bigger seats on the bike resulting in improved comfort along with plenty of leg room.
The company’s latest bike comes under the FAME II subsidy scheme in India which means that its price can further be reduced from Rs.89,600. The scooter is as safe as a vehicle as it offers quick diagnostics from time to time. Thermal runway safety tests have been conducted for the scooter and it has been dubbed to be a very reliable and durable model.
In terms of an official release date, BattRE has not yet revealed anything, the company has stated that it will happen soon. We can expect it to be available in hundreds of dealerships across 300 cities in India.
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