The Apple Watch Ultra, which was recently unveiled, is the company’s most recent flagship wearable. It was officially made available for pre-sale this week in China at a price of 6,299 yuan ($910); the initial deliveries are planned for September 23. However, it can be very expensive to repair the Watch Ultra. Repairs could cost as much as 60% of the pricey Apple smartwatch’s original price. Apple’s smartwatch costs the most to repair.
The Watch Ultra’s damage repair price might be as high as $3,459 (about $541), according to information allegedly obtained from the official Apple website in China. Apple, on the other hand, offers the AppleCare+ service plan with a discounted repair charge of 588 yuan ($85). The AppleCare+ Service Plan costs 799 yuan ($115) annually.
There are several major practical and aesthetic improvements in the Apple Watch Ultra. It is still unknown, though, how this pricey repair work would affect the product’s viability in the market. The service plan that is offered can provide users with some comfort.
Apple Watch Ultra Special Features
Apple positions the Watch Ultra as a wristwatch that raises the bar for professional sports. The strongest and most functional Apple Watch yet, it has a sturdy titanium case, an accurate dual-frequency GPS, and a battery life of up to 36 hours. The device also comes with three specialized watch bands made for athletes and explorers. It also provides cutting-edge technology and cellular freedom. Apple claims that the Watch Ultra is expertly made for unrivaled performance.
The newly created casing is meant to protect the flat sapphire crystal from edge impacts and other harm. The MIL-STD 810H testing for the Apple Watch Ultra revealed that it is waterproof up to 100 meters. The Apple Watch Ultra is known for being rugged, so we expect its durability to live up to that.