Earlier, there were two different Apple gift cards available in the market. The two cards are named iTunes Cards and Apple Store Cards. The iTune Card could be redeemed while purchasing something from the iTunes Store, App Store, or iCloud Storage. On the other side, one can use the Apple Store Card to purchase any device from Apple’s online retail or physical shops.
But now, Apple merged both these cards into one and it’s called “Universal Gift Cards”. So now, an owner of this card can redeem this anywhere. The list includes purchasing music, apps, TV shows, games, and obviously Apple devices.
If you have any among the previous cards, then don’t worry. All are equally valid as the new cards.
There are eight different designs that are available for the new Universal Gift Cards. Though this range will only available to you if you purchase a soft version of the gift card. Otherwise, for a physical card, you will get only five design options.
Unfortunately, this new Universal Gift Card is only available to US customers. But Apple will surely roll out it globally.
Besides, Apple recently surpassed Saudi Aramco, an oil giant of Saudi Arabia, in the case of company share valuation and become the most valuable company around the globe.
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