Apple has added its newest M2 chip to the iPad Pro devices. The most recent SoC delivers longer battery life and greater performance capabilities. The 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pro models are now being upgraded by the business with more potent M2 chips.
The most recent speculations suggest that Apple will introduce its updated MacBook Pro models later this year. According to recent reports from Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, Apple’s initial release of macOS Ventura will support the future 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pro models. He added that the equipment would be made available “shortly.”
Gurman points out that Apple has previously introduced new Macs in November, such as the 16-inch MacBook from 2019 and the M1 Macs from 2020. The likelihood that Apple will release the M2 Pro and M2 Max MacBook Pro models in November is therefore very strong.
What you can anticipate is that Apple will produce a press release to announce the new M2 Pro and M2 Max MacBook Pro models.
This indicates that since the computers are merely getting internal upgrades, the corporation won’t hold a special celebration. Apple introduced the completely redesigned 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pro models last year. Along with a slew of extra ports, it has a notch in the display. There won’t be any expected design changes to the MacBook Pro versions this year.
In addition to this, Apple may decide to introduce the Mac mini M2 and M2 Pro. Gurman predicts that Apple will refresh the Mac Pro in 2023 with its own bespoke silicon chips. Remember that at this point, these are only conjectures, and Apple has the final say. From now on, remember to be sceptical of the news.
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