A high-placed Apple executive has lashed out at Samsung Electronics for stealing its technology. The official has claimed that the South Korean brand has stolen its iPhone design and integrated it into its own smartphones.
Apple accuses Samsung of ‘poorly copying’ its designs:
Wall Street Journal’s Joanna Stern shared a new documentary, which arrives ahead of the 15th anniversary of the iPhone and it talks a great deal about the evolution of its revolutionary smartphones. There is a video in this documentary where the Cupertino Giant’s marketing chief, Greg Joswiak, iPhone co-creator Tony Fadell, and a family of iPhone users. In an excerpt, there is a mention of Android devices with larger displays that were years ahead of the iPhones.
The marketing chief also spoke about the impact of players like Samsung and other Android device makers in the market. He stated that he felt that they were ‘annoying’ and went on to accuse them of attempting and failing to copy the iPhone’s design technology.
“They were annoying. And they were annoying because, as you know, they ripped off our technology. They took the innovations that we had created and created a poor copy of it, and just put a bigger screen around it. So, yeah, we were none too pleased.” He stated.
In 2013, Samsung came out with its flagship Galaxy S4 that featured a 5″ display and it was also during this time that the iPhone 5 was its biggest rival but it had only a 4″ display. Eventually, iPhone displays got bigger and Apple also sued Samsung for patent infringement accusing them of infringing on the latter’s phone designs for their Galaxy Series of smartphones.
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