Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha: Parineeti Chopra tied the knot with Raghav Chadha on September 24. However, the twosome has yet to post their official wedding pictures on social media amid the wait for their first photos as husband and wife, a picture since Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha reception has surfaced on the internet and is grabbing many eyeballs. The actress, who opted for a very traditional look, was shocked in a pink saree with a royal kundan neckpiece, and her new bride radiance was hard to miss. She even flaunted her sindoor.
While we are yet to get extra details on the look, it looked like a saree calculated by Manish Malhotra, who was also present at the event. The fashion designer dropped this picture from the welcome on his Instagram Stories. Raghav, on the other hand, donned a black bow-tie suit and looked quite dapper. The couple had their wedding rituals take place at 4:30 pm onwards at The Leela Palace, followed by the bidaai and reception.
Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha First Look!
Regarding the guests, Paris’s best friend, Tennis star Sania Mirza, filmmaker Karan Johar, and designer Manish Malhotra were among the few celebs who attended the intimate bash and the couple’s family members. Gossip suggests that the newlyweds will also host another wedding reception in Mumbai and Delhi. For more news and updates, stay changed to ETimes.
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann, and Yuva Sena’s Aaditya Thackeray likewise attended the wedding in Udaipur and were a part of Raghav Chadha’s baaraat. Aam Aadmi Party MP Sanjay Singh remained among the guests from the groom’s side.
Meanwhile, Parineeti’s cousin, besides actor Priyanka Chopra, her husband Nick Jonas, and daughter Malti did not come to India to attend the wedding. Her mom, Dr. Madhu Chopra, was present for the role. Priyanka had wished Parineeti on Instagram, hinting that she may not be present to spectator the latter’s nuptials.
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