Telegram is one of the most popular and trustable messaging platforms available in the market. Infact, we can easily consider it after WhatsApp in terms of popularity and userbase. It provides some of the additional attractive features that are missing from other platforms.
Telegram introduced its premium subscription plans very recently at a cost of INR 469 a month. In return, the platform was provided 4GB max file upload size, faster download speed, animated emoji, speech-to-text conversion, no ads, and so on. Now, Telegram is providing the exact same package at just INR 179. It’s approximately 38% of the earlier package.
It makes the Telegram Premium mode affordable to the active users who deal with over 2GB files, needs access to Advanced Chat Management, and/or want to make his/her profile attractive with animated profile pictures and profile badges.
Telegram introduced this premium subscription model while looking for a better financial conditions. Though it’s an optional one and users can enjoy this instant messaging platform service free of cost if wanted.