Chipmaker Qualcomm has recently teased the arrival of a new chip exclusive to wearable devices. The teaser was shared via Twitter, the brand shared a short video lasting 10 seconds with the words ‘coming soon’ on it. That is all that we know for now and it seems that the brand wants to keep it that way, let all the suspense build up until it officially launches the chip.
Qualcomm will officially announce more details about the chip in the coming weeks:
The upcoming chip from the brand will cater to wearables that fall under the Snapdragon Wear lineup. The Snapdragon Wear 2100, Wear 3100, and the Wear 4100 are prominent names from this lineup that debuted in 2016, 2018, and 2020 respectively.
The chips powering these wearable devices have also been integrated into Wear OS devices. The Wear 4100 itself is based on a 12nm architectural process while Samsung’s Exynos W920 for wearables is based on the 5nm process. Samsung has the edge over Qualcomm in this as its chip is better by leaps and bounds in comparison to the Wear 4100.
Coming to the name of the upcoming chip, we can expect the chipmaker to stick with its naming traditions and name it the Wear 5100. The processor will be significantly better than its predecessor. Google is also working on Wear OS 3 and its own smartwatch that will be launching later this year.
The next-generation chip for smartwatches will be a step ahead for the Google-Qualcomm partnership. Considering the Wear OS 3 is not available on multiple devices, it will also take some time for brands to integrate this chip within their devices.
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