Meta-owned WhatsApp has offered a plethora of new features to its users, some of them ranging from quick reactions for messages to extended file sharing limits, and companion devices to allow users to access their WhatsApp chat on devices apart from the primary devices.
New features on WhatsApp include more time to delete messages and an “exclusion list”:
Most of these features are already out to the public, and some of them are being beta tested by a select group of users. The company has now announced a couple of new features for the beta build.
The first feature is one that focuses on a feature that was already made public, earlier last month, the messaging platform began to roll out the option for users to hide their last seen profile picture, status, and last seen from specific contacts. These contacts will all be part of an “exclusion list.”
Users will also get the ability to hide their online status from the contacts added by adding them to an exclusion list in privacy settings. This feature is perfect for those who are private and do not like to be disturbed a whole lot or have suspicions that they are being stalked.
The delete messages feature is also getting a minor change, the feature allowed users to delete a message within just an hour and 8 minutes of sending it but now this time has been increased to 60 hours. This allows users more time to delete a message they may have sent by mistake.
Group admins will now get another power-up, not as they will be able to delete messages that any of the group’s participants have sent.
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