Realme has been teasing its debut laptop, the Realme Book for a while now. The renders of the Realme Book had leaked a couple of days ago as well, this leak showcased the device in only one color variant, Real Grey.
Now, as per the latest report by 91Mobiles in collaboration with OnLeaks, we have the renders of the Realme Book in some other colors as well, Real Red, Real Blue, and Real Apricot.
As per the OnLeaks report, Realme will also release the laptop in the previously observed Gray colorway. A glimpse of the images shows us the muted look that the Realme Book will carry, it does not appear to be flashy but is elegant and features a design similar to that of the MacBook Air. The Real Blue colorway of the laptop has the same shade as Apple iPhone 12 Pro‘s blue variant.
The structure of the device is eloquent and it has a slim waistline and narrow bezels around the display. The laptop has a symmetrical design with a compact keyboard and a large trackpad. It also has two USB Type-C ports located at the left-hand side of the device and one, USB Type-A port along with a 3.5mm audio jack on the right.
So far we know that the Realme Book will feature a 14″ LCD display along with LED backlighting and Full-HD resolution. It will be powered by the 11th Gen Intel processor and will run on Windows 10 OS but Realme has clarified that it will also support Windows 11 OS.
The Realme Book is slated to release in August with multiple RAM and storage options. We can expect the device to be priced from 40,000 INR.
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