At last, the trailer of Dhoop Ki Deewar is revealed, this film is basically a thought-provoking and also engaging type. In this trailer, we will see Sajal Aly as Sara who belongs to Pakistan, and Ahad Raza Mir as Vishal from India. It revolves around the story of two families who have also been affected by the nation’s strife in between them.
The video starts with the blame game where we have seen two-character Aly and Mir are giving media interviews and telling about how two of their families have become destroyed due to the conflict of India-Pakistan. After that, the two families have tagged each other as ‘Dushman(Enemy)’. It has been seen that an online chat between Sara and Vishal just had changed the perspective of the situation.
At a time the two of the families cannot understand that how the two of them can have empathy for each other but the shared history of loss and also grief close them together. It will be seen that the couple is just asking their families until the continuation of the game of death.
Both of them acting brilliantly in the show each and every frame that they had appeared.
It is directed by Haseeb Haasan who said that the show had an underlying message of peace, harmony, and also the happiness of life. The story of the show is written by Umera Ahmed said that the show has drawn inspiration from the thought of grief that transcends borders and also the barriers.
The writer also said that it did not matter which country, religion, or belief you belong from but at the end of the day the grief would be living in the same at everywhere and it is too big than you and me. This show is a story of love, grief, and loss across the borders and also overseas could relate to the level of human.
The story is based on Vishal from India and Sara from Pakistan who has found the connection within their lives after losing their father in the borders.
Release Date:
It is reported that this shoe will premiere on 25th June 2021 on ZEE 5 platform. It is expected that it will create a huge response among the audiences.
Here is the trailer of the show: