One of the biggest free video streaming platforms around the globe, YouTube recently cleans lots of videos than ever before in the last quarter. The entire process is done by YouTube’s machine learning algorithms because due to the global pandemic there are a few human reviewers.
As per YouTube’s report, the removed video count is 11,401,696, and it is done between April and June. Past records are saying, in Q1 2020, YouTube removed just 6 million videos, whereas in the Q2 of 2019 the number was around 8.9 million.
Maximum of the deleted video was from the US and the number is 2,061,733. The next top four countries are India with 1,446,772 videos, Brazil with 981,181 videos, Indonesia with 684,199, and lastly, Russia with 406,764 videos respectively. Around 33.5% of the removed set had child safety concerns, 28.3% videos were spam, misleading, and scams. 14.6% of the videos were deleted because of nudity.
Some of the deleted videos didn’t violate any of the YouTube policies, the company acknowledges that. Those contents were mainly based on sensitive topics like violent extremism and child safety.
YouTube wrote in its blog post, “When reckoning with greatly reduced human review capacity due to COVID-19, we were forced to make a choice between potential under-enforcement or potential over-enforcement. Because responsibility is our top priority, we chose the latter—using technology to help with some of the work normally done by reviewers,”
As the algorithms are not efficient fully, YouTube increased staff to handle the appeals. Though the creators appealed for less than 3% of the removed videos only, among which 50% were reinstated.
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