The forthcoming launch of the Vivo V29 series in India is scheduled for the following week. The base Vivo V29 5G model, which made its global debut earlier this year, is expected to maintain similar specifications for its Indian release, alongside the introduction of a pro model. The V29 Pro 5G model, uniquely designed for the Indian market, is set to be unveiled on October 4. These phones are also anticipated to incorporate India-specific features, as hinted by the company’s prior teasers that revealed the design and essential details of these devices.
The Upcoming Vivo V29 Series
Vivo has officially confirmed that the Vivo V29 series will be launched in India on October 4. The lineup will comprise the base Vivo V29 and V29 Pro models. The company has assured consumers that the new V29 series phones will be available through both online and offline sales channels. Notably, Google is also planning to unveil its Pixel 8 series and other products at the Made by Google event on the same day.
The fundamental Vivo V29 model is expected to feature a 6.78-inch full-HD+ (2800 x 1260 pixels) curved AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate, mirroring the specifications of its global counterpart. It is anticipated to be powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 778G SoC, accompanied by an Adreno 642L GPU, 8GB of RAM, and 256GB of internal storage. The device is projected to run on Android 13-based FuntouchOS 13 right out of the box.
In the photography department, the phone is confirmed to feature a 50-megapixel primary sensor, an 8-megapixel sensor equipped with an ultra-wide-angle lens, a 2-megapixel camera paired with a Smart Aura light at the rear, and a 50-megapixel sensor at the front for selfies and video calls.
The base model will incorporate an in-display fingerprint sensor for security and carry an IP68 rating for dust and water resistance. Furthermore, a 4,600mAh battery with 80W fast charging capabilities will be included with the phone.
The Vivo V29 models are showcased in three distinct color choices: Himalayan Blue, Majestic Red, and Space Black. Notably, the red variant boasts a color-changing back panel. In terms of weight, the base and pro models are expected to weigh 186 and 188 grams, respectively, and both are teased to have a thickness of 7.46mm.