Kumar Mangalam Birla, the Chairperson of Aditya Birla Group, recently reiterated that Vodafone Idea is gearing up to launch its 5G services soon. While Birla had mentioned this in an earlier interview back in October 2022, he did not provide any specific timeline for the launch of 5G services.
Vodafone Idea or Vi will soon launch 5G in India-
Speaking on the sidelines of the AIMA Awards, Birla expressed confidence in Vodafone Idea’s ability to roll out 5G soon. However, the telecom company has been losing subscribers at a steady pace as its competitors, Bharti Airtel and Reliance Jio, have already launched their 5G services in the country.
Since April 2021, Vodafone Idea has lost over 4.24 crore subscribers, with the 12-month period ending December 2022 seeing a subscriber-base erosion of 2.42 crore.
Vodafone Idea reported a net loss of Rs 7,990 crore for the third quarter that ended on December 31, 2022. This figure represents an increase from the Rs 7,595.5 crore loss it posted in the September quarter. The company’s total revenue in the December quarter was Rs 10,620.6 crore, a slight increase of 0.1 percent from Rs 10,614.6 crore in the September quarter.
Vodafone Idea’s average revenue per user (ARPU) for the quarter stood at Rs 135, a small increase from Rs 131 in the second quarter of FY22. It remains to be seen how the company’s launch of 5G services will affect its financial performance and subscriber base.
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