Realme India has two smartwatches under the Watch S lineup. Both the Realme Watch S and Watch S Pro was launched in December 2020. Now after around a month, rumors are indicating Realme India is preparing to extend the lineup. As per the leaks coming out, the new addition will be named Realme Watch S100.
A few months back, Realme launched the Realme Watch T1 in the Chinese market. Reports are pointing the electronics brand will rebrand the same smartwatch globally as the Realme Watch S100. Only the change will be the colour variants. The Realme Watch T1 was launched with three colors options, however, for the Realme Watch S100 there will be two colors – Black and Grey.
As there is a chance of rebranding, we can have an idea about the Realme Watch S100 features. Have a look –
Realme Watch S100 Expected Features
The rumored Realme Watch S100 will pack with a 1.3-inch round touch screen AMOLED display having a resolution of 416×416 pixels and 325ppi pixel density. On top of these, the brand is providing Corning Gorilla Glass protection.
To take care of your health, the smartwatch will have a 24/7 heart rate monitoring sensor, Blood Oxygen Level sensor, NFC, and so on. There will be 4GB of storage built-in. It will come with 5ATM water resistance. Coming to the battery part, the 228mAh battery inside will be able to deliver the power backup for up to 7 days long. Due to the fast charging support, the Realme Watch S100 will get enough battery life to run for up to 3 days.
Realme has scheduled the launch of Realme 9 Pro and Realme 9 Pro+ on 16th February. The tech lovers are expecting the launch of this Realme Watch S100 at the same event as a bonus from the launch. Though, it’s not the only product. The Realme fans are also expecting the Realme Buds Air 3 too on that event.
What are your expectations? Let us know in the comments.
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