HBO Max’s highly anticipated series, ‘The Last of Us‘ got an official trailer, the show follows a Naught Dog’s beloved family searching for a family amidst a zombie apocalypse. The brand-new trailer has been exposed as a part of Outbreak Day or The Lasy of Us day, or on the yearly celebration of the franchise that has been held by developer naught Dog.
As the new trailer opens, we have seen Pedro Pascal as Joel who is a middle-aged man who becomes a delivery specialist once a deadly virus starts to wipe out humanity. As in the original game, the series also follows Joel as he can escort Bella Ramsey’s Elle to a lab where the scientists are able to examine her blood.
After Elle has been immune from the virus, her body becomes the key to the cure and just returns to society. The show followed Joe and Ellie as they can able to navigate the ruins of the US on evading the highly-aggressive infection. At that same time, they also need to deal with the other survivors, some of them desiring to do nothing to collect the resources and getting ensure their survival.
Nowadays, we can see a lot of zombie apocalypse shows that really hold control of fans’ emotions. In this show, while they work jointly to become alive Joel and Ellie make an unbreakable bond that enhances the stakes of the narrative. The new trailer exposes how this HBO series adaptation become a stick with the game with few locations. As Joel and Ellie are the anchors who hold The Last of Us together, Pascal and Ramsey glitter in the new trailer.
The Last of Us: Cast
The HBO series features Storm Reid as Ailet Abel, Lamar Johnson as Henry, Kevin Woodard as Sam, Parks and Recreation’s Nick Offerman, Anna Torv, Merle Dandridge, Nico Parker, Gabriel Luna, Jeffrey Pierce, and Murray Barlett. In this show, Ashley Johnson, and Troy baker lent their voice to Ellie and Joel in the games.
The Last of Us: Release Date
The first episode has been directed by Kantemir Balagov, and the original game has been made by Neil Druckmann and Craig Mazin. The HBO series will premiere sometime in 2023.
Here is the trailer:
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