Telegram Stories: The CEO of Telegram, Pavel Durov, announced today the upcoming release of the Stories feature to the popular messaging programme. The new feature, which will be available in early July, is the result of years of user demand, with the integration of Stories accounting for more than half of all feature requests submitted by Telegram.
Telegram was initially hesitant to implement this feature, given its pervasive presence across other platforms. However, in response to user demand, the corporation has chosen to go with it. Users will be able to choose the availability of their Stories on Telegram, ranging from making it open to everyone to only particular contacts or a group of close friends. The tales will appear on top of the users’ conversation list in an expanding area.
Telegram Stories
Telegram will offer the opportunity to conceal Stories posted by certain contacts in a user-friendly feature. This is accomplished by transferring the specific contact’s Stories to the Contacts section’s “Hidden” list. Users can also include captions, links, and tag other users in their Stories. A new feature will allow users to publish photographs and movies shot by both the front and rear cameras at the same time.
Furthermore, users can choose whether their Stories should expire in six, twelve, twenty-four, or forty-eight hours. There’s also the option to keep the Stories on the user’s profile page permanently, similar to Instagram’s Story highlights feature.
Telegram Stories
Telegram thinks that this functionality will enhance user profiles and encourage a more personal relationship between contacts. According to Durov, the soon-to-be-introduced ability to repost messages from channels to stories would also benefit channels by increasing exposure and subscribers.
Even the initially sceptical Telegram team members acknowledged their delight for the Telegram Stories feature after internal testing. Stories are presently in the last stages of testing, and Durov hopes that they will “herald a new era on Telegram,” improving the platform’s social media characteristics.
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