World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft might allow the Horde and Alliance players to...
The Alliance and the Horde, two major factions of World of Warcraft, have been a major part of the MMO since the very beginning....
Roguelike Dungeon is being overhauled in World of Warcraft, it will...
The most ambitious feature of World of Warcraft is Torghast, Tower of the Damned. It contains a multi-floor dungeon which is basically a self-contained...
What You Need to Know About WoW’s Latest Event: Beasts of...
Check out the beasts that you can partner up in Torghast thanks to the Beasts of the Prodigum event
Tucked away in The Maw, Torghast...
World of Warcraft Shadowlands receives massive new additions
Good news, fellow's World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is finally available for us to play. We all know what a fantastic experience it was to...