HyLyt App
HyLyt prepares for expansion plan by building up Human Resources
New Delhi, 06 December 2021: HyLyt, the secure, simple, consolidated platform for the management of Information and data is in the process of building up...
HyLyt MakeinIndia App Receives Patent from USA
New Delhi, 19 April 2021: HyLyt, the one-click solution for collaboration, data management, storage and information optimization across different platforms and Makeinindia app has...
HyLyt’s backend Integration with Cloud Data offers Seamless Access
New Delhi, 31 March 2021, HyLyt, the global unified information management and collaboration platform has come up with the innovative technology that integrates data...
HyLyt ties up with MSME Business Forum for enabling ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’
New Delhi, February 2021: HyLyt, the technology based unified information management and collaboration platform has tied up with MSME Business Forum to empower the...
HyLyt highlights Unified Information Management through Smart Folders
New Delhi, December 2020: Searching Data with HyLyt just got easier as the app unveiled its technology update through which it can optimize its...
SocioRAC Introduces Video Conferencing Feature in HyLyt App
With the surge of video conferencing during a pandemic, SocioRAC, a technology startup that is working in the areas of knowledge management has introduced...