Best time to buy a Pixel phone: Pixel 6a for $299,...
Christmas gets better with Google: Pixel 6a for $299, Pixel 7 for $499 and Pixel 7 Pro for $749
Google has huge improvements to its...
Argentina vs France Record: FIFA World Cup Final Records Highest Traffic...
Millions of people celebrated Argentina’s major palm in the FIFA World Cup 2022 Final. When Lionel Messi hoisted the mug, everyone burst into swells of joy, and there was a big joyful commotion around the world. Speaking of records, Google reached a significant corner. On the day of the tests, the tech Goliath endured its...
Google Pixel Tablet and Speaker Dock are being sold at Online...
Google previewed the Pixel Tablet during its annual I/O conference, stating that the tablet will be available in 2023. That hasn't stopped someone from...
Tech layoffs will reportedly get even worse in 2023
This year's large layoffs by computer businesses have topped the levels seen during the 2008-2009 Great Recession, which began with the failure of Lehman...
Apple and Google join hands to develop the Speedometer 3 browser...
Apple has collaborated with Google and Mozilla to create Speedometer 3, a browser speed benchmark. The partnership was revealed on Twitter by Apple's WebKit...
Lay offs: Big Tech organizations are leading in the race of...
Big Tech organisations throughout the world are experiencing one of the most difficult difficulties in recent memory, which is causing some massive lay offs...