Snapchat has introduced a new feature called Instant Streaks, making it easier than ever to start a Snap Streak without the usual wait. Traditionally, sending Snaps on three consecutive days was required in order to begin a Snap Streak, which could be a long wait for those looking to start one. Instant Streaks means you’ll no longer need to wait 72 hours — with this feature your streak starts immediately upon the exchange of the first snaps.
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Snapchat’s Instant Streaks Feature Lets You Start Streaks Right Away With Just One Snap!
What is Instant Streaks and How Does It Work?
Instant Streaks enables users to bypass the usual waiting process. All they need to do is send you a Snap, you send one back, and boom, you are sat at the right end of a chat. Your streak begins immediately, with the familiar fire icon appearing instantly. No more guessing when your streak triggers, and no more suspense to see that fire emoji come up. This feature is what allows you to get your Snap relationship going from day one, not a few days to get it rolling.
Available for Snapchat+ Subscribers only
But Instant Streaks is a Snapchat+ exclusive. You will need a paid subscription for this perk, however, only one individual in the exchange is required to have the Snapchat+ subscription in order for the streak to begin. The feature is among the premium features of Snapchat+, which also includes custom Snapchat planets.
How to Activate Instant Streaks
- To enable Instant Streaks, follow these simple steps:
- Tap on your Bitmoji or profile icon at the top left of the app.
- Go to the Snapchat+ menu.
- Scroll down to find Instant Streaks and toggle the option on.
If you don’t see the option, it may be because you haven’t renewed your Snapchat+ subscription or haven’t updated the app. Also, if you ever lose your streak, there are guides available to help restore it. Instant Streaks are sure to be a hit among Snapchat users who want to start their streaks instantly without any delay.
What is Snapchat Instant Streak?
Instant Streak allows you to start a Snap streak immediately after sending a Snap to a new contact.
Do I need Snapchat+ for Instant Streaks?
Yes, Instant Streaks is an exclusive feature for Snapchat+ subscribers.